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I was born a real artist, but in our place it was not taken seriously and only lived in me an impostor complex for a long period...My creativity helps me unpack my soul, and this is a magical way"

My story


Alina Fadeeva

Since my early childhood, I’ve been always wanted to create. In my neighborhood, at my school I’ve been known as an artist. Coming from rural Russia of the 80s my chances to act on this were limited in the beginning. With age my experience and freedom to explore this talent and creativity has broadened. Growing up in the nature made me appreciate the abundance of colours, solitude, and love of animals. I am trying to express endless positive energy, combining the colors and different techniques to show the inner beauty the way I see, in every person or object. I believe that where there is focus there is a growth. Affirming life instead of negative attitude- this is my philosophy!

Live in Luxembourg ❤️  



My Art

Inspired by nature, I use synthetic materials. I work with different materials but my favorits alcohol inks and epoxy resin. The ink is designed for flat, static surfaces, and does not come to life until epoxy resin is added – providing volume and structure that cannot be achieved with a glossy varnish or glass overlay. The epoxy resin also adds a smoothness effect allowing the ink to unfold in all of its nuance and depth.


”Drawing with resin gives a flow of my intuition and mood. Colors express energy in futuristic effects, sometimes moving to a higher dimension. The end-result: a powerful reflection from the inspiration that I receive from beauty in the world around me and the inner connection of everything that is happening. Art is the world that I now inhabit. When I’m working, time stops and I find myself completely hypnotized by what can be, what will be. My third eye takes control with visual and creative manifestations the likes of which transcend the space-time of this world. This is not a psychedelic nor is it a fantasy film. Quite the opposite. I always feel at home and feel like I’m right where I should be in the here and now when I create art.”

Digital & Learning

I now develop actively in the digital direction. I teach, through on-line video, for English speakers, about my process and techniques for creating my art.


'' The purpose

of art is washing

the dust of daily

life off our souls.''


In the not too distant future, I plan to create a moving installation based on my work, so that viewers can interact with this creation in real time and feel the dynamic, flowing, real motion design.  I plan to surprise and delight people, as if they were watching the northern lights or in the middle of a typhoon.

Pablo Picasso 

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Alina Fadeeva

Tel: +352 661 313 105

  • @Alina Fadeeva
  • @art.alinasstudio
  • @wall_you
  • Alina's Studio

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Creative & WebDesing by GaleeArt Studio

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